Wednesday 1 June 2011

Good old days

When I think of good old days the 1st memory that comes to my mind is my carefree childhood spent with my brother. We played many games with our friends outside and we used to have a good time at home. I will also never forget numerous trips to the park with our grandpa who always had some sweets for us.

When it comes to the photo... I think we are dancing and as you can see I really like it ;p


I'm sure you all know a Polish rock band - Myslovitz which take their name from their industrial hometown of Mysłowice. Although it is not my favourite band I like some of their songs. The song that I would like to share with you is "Cisza i wiatr". This is a very important song for me and I consider its lyrics to be very wise. I always listen to it when I'm in a bad mood, overwhelmed by too many problems. It is like my own catharsis and helps me every time.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Message in bottle

About 24years ago Frank Uesbeck, a German boy, tossed a message in a bottle off a ship in the Baltic Sea. Now, being almost 30, he has received an answer from a 13-year-old Russian, Daniil Korotkikh who found the bottle while walking on a beach in the Kaliningrad region.

Uesbeck and Korotkikh plan to send each other letters.

I think that the letter from Daniil was a nice surprise for Frank who could have forgotten about his message in a bottle after so many years.

Message in a bottle


I used to read stacks of books when I was a child. My parents usually gave me books as gifts for different occasions and that's why I have quite a sizeable collection. Fortunately, I am too sentimental to get rid of them and I keep them all somewhere in the basement.
A book that I associate with my childhood is "Goldilock and the Three Bears" because I was learning to read with this book. I remember myself sitting and reading this book aloud when I was 5 and my mom combing my hair and giving me some hints. The word "niedźwiedź" was particularly diffcult for me. I couldn't distinguish between "b" and "d" but with a little help from my mom, I finally managed to master all the letters ;)

Thursday 24 February 2011

The place where I live

I have never lived in such a big city and I must admit that I love it. At the beginning I was afraid of the hustle and bustle and I got lost many a time; nevertheless, Poznań gives me many opportunities and every day I discover this place a little more. 

You all know Poznań so I proudly present my hometown ŚREM :)
Śrem is located 42km from Poznań and it is one of the oldest towns in Poland. 
I believe that there is everything that one needs to live. 
We have many green parks,  beautiful buildings, the swimming pool, the ice rink, one small but cosy cinema, many schools and pubs. As you can see, everyone can find something interesting ;)

"Wieża Ciśnień" the symbol of Śrem. 

The town hall

The park.
This is my high school...

...and junior high.

The library.

One of the churches.

The museum.

If you visit Śrem, you will find that there are more worth seeing places :)

Thursday 13 January 2011